Tunable coverage of immobilized biomolec...Jyun-Ting Wu, Ting-Pi Sun, Chao-Wei Huang, Chiao-Tzu Su, Chih-Yu Wu, Shu-Yun Yeh, Deng-Kai...DETAILTunable coverage of immobilized biomolecules for biofunctional interface design
Osteogenic Surface Modification Based on...Chih-Hao Chang*, Shu-Yun Yeh, Bing-Heng Lee, Chia-Jie Chen, Chiao-Tzu Su, Yen-Ting Lin, Ch...DETAILOsteogenic Surface Modification Based on Functionalized Poly-P-Xylylene Coating
Multifaceted and route-controlled “click...Ting-Pi Sun, Ching-Heng Tai, Jyun-Ting Wu, Chih-Yu Wu, Wei-Chieh Liang, Hsien-Yeh Chen* “M...DETAILMultifaceted and route-controlled “click” reactions based on vapor-deposited coatings
Fabrication of multipotent poly-para-xyl...Ruei-Hung Yuan, Yi-Jye Li, Ho-Yi Sun, Chih-Yu Wu, Zhen-Yu Guan, Hsin-Ying Ho, Cheng-Yuan F...DETAILFabrication of multipotent poly-para-xylylene particles in controlled nanoscopic dimensions,
Switching the Biointerface of Displaceab...Zhen-Yu Guan, Chih-Yu Wu, Yi-Jye Li, Hsien-Yeh Chen* “Switching the Biointerface of Displa...DETAILSwitching the Biointerface of Displaceable Poly-p-xylylene Coatings
Customizable Optical and Biofunctional P...Jyun-Ting Wu, Chih-Yu Wu, Shih-Kang Fan, Chih-Chen Hsieh, Yu-Chih Hou, Hsien-Yeh Chen* “Cu...DETAILCustomizable Optical and Biofunctional Properties of a Medical Lens Based on Chemical Vapor Deposition Encapsulation of Liquids