會議論文 2024-2025
1. Shu-Man Hu, Hsien-Yeh Chen, “Vapor Phase Synthesis of Coordination Polymers and Parylene-Based Composite Coatings for Bioengineering”, 2025年中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2025/01, (英文口頭論文報告佳作)
2. 王惠萱, Hsien-Yeh Chen, “Fabrication of Multicomponent Hybrid Coatings Using Vapor Phase Sublimation and Deposition”, 2025年中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2025/01, (海報競賽佳作)
3. 曹紀姸, Hsien-Yeh Chen, “Multicomponent porous structures fabricated by vapor sublimation and deposition”, 2025年中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2025/01, (海報競賽佳作)
4. 石瀅瑄, Hsien-Yeh Chen, “Development of a Green Process for Superhydrophobic Coatings via Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)” ,2025年中華民國高分子學會年會, 台中, 2025/01, (海報競賽優等)